Our farming practice involves the recycling of the food eaten by the sheep in the same area in which they are grazed. There is still plenty of grass when the sheep are shifted into a new block. The grass is never eaten down too far allowing it to recover quickly. This, therefore, helps to build the fertility within each block and the stock are at far less risk of worm burden. This is the same principle of recycling within a native bush area for example. No fertiliser is required to keep the bush healthy. With leaf fall, etc, it is always regenerating itself. We still do apply some fertiliser as, in our area, we have light, low-fertility soils. However, our pasture and stock-health have improved with one-day shifting rotational grazing. |
With the help and guidance of our eldest son, Hamish, Steve has been rotationally grazing his sheep and lambs on a daily basis.
This is not usual for Rangiwahia, which is considered summer-safe. |